Sunday, January 18, 2015

This is Our Life

This is Our Life
These days, we watch a lot of movies.
Well, two movies, to be exact, but over and over.
You might be familiar with them.

When Big Strong Man and I were considering Christmas gifts for our little men,
the idea of a sing along video was a hit!
Zeplin would see the words on the screen and it would help with his reading
comprehension and Demitri would benefit with vocabulary enunciation-
a win-win!
So we ordered the Psalty video.
And guess what?
There are no words.
Initially I was a little bummed but on Christmas evening, when the boys sat down
to watch it for the first time, they were instantly hooked!
It has become a daily moment in our schedule. Sometimes- most of the time- more
than once daily.
What a joy to see my Littles singing and dancing along with the children of the early
90's and their bowl haircuts, double socks, and buttons.
Lots of buttons.
What a joy to hear them sing,

                                This little light of mine,
                                 I'm gonna let it shine...

What pure pleasure it is that my boys are delighted to laugh and sing along!
They have a LOVE for GOD that is real!!

And then there is Elf.
In the first five minutes, there is a farting troll...
the troll proceeds the candy cane mountain...
then then there is an escalator and bottle of syrup over spaghetti....
Pure two and four year old bliss.

My little men can watch these two movies over and over, and over again.
And guess what?
I allow them.
I have learned that sometimes we all need seasons of rest.
They watch these movies and I can get some work done.
Laying on my lazy boy with eyes that may or may not be open.
And my boys?
Well, they are perfectly content to sing, dance, and laugh all winter long!

-enjoying the ride, gomommyblogger

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