Friday, February 20, 2015

Get Your Life in Order (The Beginnings)/Includes February's Challenge

Get Your Life in Order (The Beginnings)/Includes February's Challenge
Today I am posing a challenge for you to take alongside me.
Are you scared?

I have long desired to get my own life in order however find myself in a place of continual procrastination.
I am hoping your accountability will light that spark in me.
Motivate me to work these steps.
I am hoping that my motivation will do the same for you.

The challenge:
If there were a series of objectives to accomplish each month, broken down by each week, would it interest you to participate?
As I type, it is already February so I am starting behind.

Here is what I propose for today:
We can collectively cross off January's "list" once we have all agreed that we resolve (if nothing more), than to love our families and ourselves better this year.

We can agree to lay the first half of Feburary's lists to rest after we decide that we will resolutely attempt this remaining list with valor.

Are you in?
If you are, please continue, if not, no hard feelings. -I promise!

I will try (desperately) to be on top of this challenge myself and will absolutely take suggestions from anyone who has something beneficial to throw into the pot.
Have a great list of how to clean your entire house in one month? Throw it in!
Have a filing system to make us envious? Throw it in there too!
If it is tangible to the audience, than it works!

                                                    February's challenge (week of 20-28):
                                               **Those piles of bills, letters, and miscellaneous
                                                    papers you have in piles around your house?
                                                                Yeah, those, tackle them!
                                                Pull-up your recycling bin and tear, toss, shred,
                                                                and file what needs done.
                                                                      You can do it!

                                                You have one week's time (plus a bonus day).
                                                                         Use it well.

Challenge accepted!- gomommyblogger


  1. Go you, TBW! I am so excited to have you join us!
    Please feel free to add anything to the pot that you think would need a little extra motivation on your/our end. -Most of the upcoming weeks challenges are my to-do list laid before everyone with that extra boost of encouragement from the readers.
    I hope you feel inspired!!
    P.S. I began reading your posts today...I agree with your friend, you are a fun communicator!
    -all the best in this blogging world!!, gomommyblogger
