Monday, April 13, 2015

When Facebook Became My Fourth Child

March 13, 2015

When Facebook Became My Fourth Child
He calls, I run.
Stay up late and wake up early with me: pay attention to me.

While cleaning dishes, driving the minivan, and showering, he alerts me with notifications:
I need changed, and fed...
hold me.
You have a message, a new "like", stay here with me a little longer.
I am mesmerized by his milestones: a new photo, a song and video.

And I ask myself, when did I have a fourth child?
A grateful mother of three boys, one who is under a month old, and still, this fourth child invades my home as though he were one of us.
McFive becomes McSix.


Awhile back I posted about "Getting Off the Grid" and I am ashamed, entirely embarrassed, because Facebook has moved back into our home and has built his soapbox in the middle of our lives: the giant elephant in the room.
Only everyone is talking about him.
Everyone is talking to him.

So I type this out of my own frustration. I, too, am a willing subject to the time wasted on social media and, I too, will share my own post on it so that others may take the time to read it.
But I still think about this. This fourth child.

He goes with me every where I go; Dress him up and take him out.
Like a new baby, by my side and dependent upon my affection.

A fortune, he costs me, in time and sleep.
But it's not my fault, I declare. Not exactly.
This is my generation- this is our norm.
I think it unfortunate...a willing imprisonment for so many of us.
A slave to the feedback and the glory.

My generation may someday be laughed at, scorned. But not today.
Today we laugh at the future with memes and our every thought on display.
Scribbles into the air.

So I take it upon myself, a guilt trip or personal challenge, to be mindful about time, about resources and energy. About life.
Because I want to actually live without being dependent upon the world watching me.

Do you think I am fanatical? Do you *gulp* agree?

give em' something to talk about-


  1. Great article.
    I think its easy to forget why we all got on facebook in the first place. For me it was just to keep up with my friends who lived far away. Human nature turns it into a glorified pedestal for ourselves. For so many people its a unrecognized downfall in the making. Not only a intrusion into your privacy, but a way for doubt, vanity, and obsession to take a foothold. Blessing or curse?
    Just like anything "fun" too much can spell the end of you. Just ask those poor teenage victims of cyber bullying. If we really wanted to show the younger generation anything we should show them getting together and having fun (and support) in real life doesnt have to stop after high school.

    1. So Well Written. I agree with your comment entirely. ...a glorified pedestal for ourselves. Yes, I get that
