Monday, May 25, 2015

The Day His Head Grew Three Sizes (Happy Memorial Day)

The Day His Head Grew Three Sizes (Happy Memorial Day)

Come around our little neck of the world and you'll soon realize that my Big Strong Man has a lot to say about things for which he is passionate.

He is passionate about the Indianapolis Colts and Fantasy Football, passionate about building an amazing garden, and passionate about world events. It is the latter of these for which I type this post.

If you weed though our shared Facebook account (and his disdain for the Patriots and all things Hollywood gossip)  you will see a common thread which is, he is legitimately interested in politics, history, and those world events I mentioned. What makes him so amazing to me, amidst other things, is that he is educated in the matters and his passion is greater than emotion. He is also an independent thinker, so he rarely follows the popular opinion.

He is a fascinating man, and his interest is based upon integrity and his personal self-sacrifice for this country which he loves.

Today I would like to honor him and his brothers and sisters who have fought before, alongside, presently, and those still to come. Veterans: we salute you!

One of the reasons my husband is the man of God, country, and family he is, is due largely to a fellow soldier friend who gave his life for our freedom: Brett M. Hershey. (You can read more about him over at Remembering Hersh. [click on Remembering Hersh if it is not highlighted on your screen.])  Not only did Brett love others, but he passionately followed after the heart of God and brought my Big Strong Man to repentance one day in Afghanistan. My Big Strong Man lived to come home and continues to live to protect this Land that I Love. Brett returned to Heaven, but not without first impacting so very many others. If you are reading this, Brett's life was given for you.

Last year, Big Strong Man introduced Zeplin, Demitri, and myself (Thatcher in utero) to a sweet, elderly woman he met while working one day. She flew a battered American flag on her porch and delighted in telling B.S.M. of her brother and his noble service. The morning of Veteran's Day, B.S.M. honored her and her brother with a freshly baked Apple Pie (it doesn't get much more American that that) and a new flag to fly. He even folded her older flag with respect when he returned it to her.
This is him and his patriotic heart.

Today we received a phone call from an uncle of mine, a wonderful man. He called to thank my Big Strong Man for his service. He told me my B.S.M. should run for President; that he was "the Man".
Today, Big Strong Man's head grew three sizes.

      Happy Memorial Day friends! **May God bless America: May America bless God!**

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