Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Get Your Life in Order/Year Review (July 8-14)

Welcome back friends!
I am SO EXCITED for this week's challenge because it requires reflection and a renewed sense of  
"I can do this!".
This week is all about returning to our New Year's Resolutions and either acknowledging our progress...or lack thereof. Either way, let's fire-up our excitement and set-out to do great things this year! (Didn't make a New Year's resolution on December 31st? Why not make one now?)

If you stumbled across this blog or blog post, welcome! I am gomommyblogger and this is my www home. Please feel free to join us here, today, or start at the beginning, here.

If you have NO IDEA where to begin, check out this great list of the 20 best New Year's Resolutions:

Here are some of mine (some new, some from the beginning of the year):
*less Facebook! (A friend recently shared with me that she REFUSES to log onto Facebook until after she has spent time in The Word of God first- yeah, I stole that!)
*eat-live-clean healthier
*spend more time outdoors
*finish my 2015 reading list

Feel encouraged friends! You can do this!-

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