Saturday, August 22, 2015

Get Your Life in Order/The Little Things (August22-31)

Hi friends!
I hope we can call one another friends. Many of you who have done the test of time with this blog, these challenges, and me, gomommyblogger, most assuredly are friends by now.
Friends are great!

If you are a new friend, you are welcomed here! gomommyblogger is a safe place to set up camp and stay awhile. Every week there is a new challenge and every month a new theme. You can join us here as we finish off the month of August with our final week (and a few bonus days) of doing the "little things".
This incredible month of August has been one of my favorites! I sincerely hope you have been enjoying your month as well.
As you are reading this, I am hoping that your bed is made, your devotions read, and you are dressed for your day. My day today is slow, everything that required my dressing to go out in public is over and I am typing from my "red room" in purple shorts, a black and white striped nursing tank top, and a brown sweater. My hair is pulled back and I did not even check in the mirror to see if it is "pretty ponytail" or the dreaded "what in the world??!!" ponytail.
But it is alright! I will get dressed before Big Strong Man arrives home, I made certain to be presentable when I took Zeplin to his soccer evaluations earlier, and I am bracing myself for vacuuming and dishes, so, shorts, tank, and mis-matched clothing: I EMBRACE YOU.

This week our focus is moving off of us and onto someone important. Like, really important. Maybe your Spouse, maybe your children, maybe a parent, sibling, junior high best friend.
You decide.
In these last few days of August, our little things challenge is to be purposeful to this one person. Just one. If you have multiple children, like I do, then consider extending the life of this challenge far after these days and purpose to invest in each one of them. If it is easier, I consent, go ahead and love them all with fervor this month! 

What will this look like?
For each one of us, it will look different. If you are very practical like I can be sometimes, you may need some ideas. Here goes:

*Can you prepare a favorite meal for this person, just because?
*Make a phone call...and make it last longer than five minutes!
*Go for a visit. If the distance is just too great, try Skype or pose for and develop a LOT of pictures and ship them in the post- Facebook does not count!
*Lie down with your child and ask about his/her day. Don't rush this time. Even if your child rambles on...even if you were with your child all day and you know what happened in his/her day...even if your favorite television show is on tonight. Do it. (And be realistic, if you are going to be grumpy because you missed out on The Mindy Project to cuddle a little longer with your little one, cuddle tomorrow when The Bachelorette is on and you could care less and for tonight give yourself permission to pretend Mindy Kaling is your real life best friend!-because she would make a rad best friend!)
*Send an inspiration book to a friend you know would appreciate it as much as you. (Anything Donald Miller and Angela Thomas get my thumbs-up!)

Be creative friends!
If you would like to share your ideas, please don't be shy! Drop a comment and share your brilliance with us all!-

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