Friday, September 23, 2016

Red Curry review: Exotic Family Dinner Review, Part 2

Oh friends...I love me some Thai food!

Where I grew up in Pennsylvania, we had an Italian restaurant and a Chinese buffet on just about every block (next to the church and the bar...these four are givens).
When I went to school out West (Life Pacific Bible College, anyone!), there were Thai and Mexican restaurants EVERYWHERE!!!
Well, I went crazy, and these are now two of my absolute favorite types of food to eat!
Limes and peanuts...but not together...

So today I bring to you my second attempt at offering my family a lesson in culture...
adventure with us to...Thailand!!!

The box

                                                              the description photo...

So, I thought I would give my family a little rest from my exotic aversions with spicy food and things that look *um* interesting, and I went with a single-serve meal. OK, OK, I KNOW, alright? This isn't exactly a family review. in, it isn't a family review at all...
Forgive me.
This was just a small meal and I wanted to share the results with you.

drumroll please...

This soup is spicy. *duh, you already knew that*

The noodles probably could have been cooked a little longer so there were not so firm, but that was an issue with me and my microwave (which is pronounced: "meek-ro-vell-a" in German *sigh*)

The broth looks pretty gross when you first add the paste...but pudding looks pretty gross until you taste it and realize that taste comes from that image and now that image is beautiful.

it wasn't my favorite...but I would eat it again (and I have zero doubt it is 100x tastier in an authentic Thai restaurant)

score: 3/5*
I will reserve 5 for EXCEPTIONAL, and give a 4 to "really, REALLY good...this 3 was brought to you today by my taste buds, which were hungry, my belly, which was satisfied, and my wallet, which did not freak, not even once.

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