Monday, May 22, 2017

Laughing Mommas

My mother is about to turn 53.
Given the fact that I will be 35 at the end of the year and I have a brother who is a year older (and a sister one year younger), it is obvious that my momma was a youngin'.
Still is.

Yesterday she came to visit and cheer the boys and I on when we tested for our yellow karate belts.
She came to admire my house...and my sons.
She came to give me a lovely card with words of encouragement in it- a late Mother's Day gift.
Mostly, she came to love us. 
She came to love me. 

The card.
In it, she told me I was perfect- just as God made me.
This spoke directly to my heart. Not because I hadn't heard it before.
But because I needed it then. 

I gave my mom a difficult time as a teen.
Don't the majority of us?

But I would scream at her and tell her repeatedly that I was going to move away one day and never return.
That she would never see me nor my children.

Sometimes the distance between us- 1hour and 45mins now that we are back in PA- feels entirely too far and wide.
Sometimes I just need her.
Her help with the boys.
Her stopping by for dinner.
Her taking me out for Chinese food.
Her smile and words of encouragement.
Her company.

Sometimes I just feel so loved in her presence- and isn't that so lovely?
One of my favorite feelings.

My sister was here yesterday as well.
My Nicolette.
Together, momma and she are two of my favorites.
She brought along her three Lovies and they played loud and long with my three Lovies.
They get along so well.
Nicolette took some photos of Momma Dukes and I.
We call her this, affectionately.
And Marmie.
We call her Marmie, as well. Ala, Little Women.

These are my favorites:

We also had some cuteness encounters:

And such beauty:

Feeling the love, and laughter,

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