Thursday, August 10, 2017

"Easily Influenced" (Podcasts, my Bestie, and a recipe for Orange Soufflé)

Dearest friends, it has come to my attention that I am easily-swoonable. 
It's true, and here is a fab example:
When I was a sophomore in college (ye' olden days for me), I was often late for my curfew (yeah, you read that right!) and had many floor-cleaning jobs demanded upon me as reprimand. After I was late an inexcusable number (which, really, who knows what that number is, anyway?), I was made to sit-down with my floor Overseer and some leading staff at the school.

"Shannon," one began, "we see that you are often late to return to the building come curfew."
"Yes," began another, "and we think we may know the reason why."
Naturally, I was rather curious.
To be honest, I was only late on a few occasions and most (maybe all, I cannot remember), were accidental.
Accidental, as in: I was out with some friends and it was late. Once we realized I was late for curfew -and the punishment was the same for 5 mins or 5 hours late- why not just stay out and continue on, having fun?

Interesting fact about me: once upon a time I was actually semi-popular and was dating one of the most popular boys in our school.

"We think you are easily influenced." That was the verdict and the rythmatic nodding of heads around the table told me that everyone there felt the same way- everyone except me.

The thing was this: I chose to be late. It wan't that I did it to rebellious or that I had a poor attitude and didn't care. It was more like, I was a 20 year-old who was responsible in MANY ways and just having fun. NOW HEAR THIS: my college? Yeah, there is no longer a curfew. Nada. But back when I was there, some *ehm* 14 years ago, there sure was.
To be fair, and I say this with a thankful heart, I attended a Bible college and those have a bit of "churchy-innocence" associated with them. A little, "Saint-hood" in the expectation area.
Again, I was not rebelling, I was just living my life. 

So today I was cutting carrots for our family-favorite, Orange Soufflé, while speaking to a friend on the phone. The topic of Podcasts came up and I asked her is she listens to any (which she does) and she asked me the same.
Here is where all my bumbling forms a point: I DO listen to Podcasts, but all of those I listen to are hosted by favorite authors of mine. Jen Hatmaker (my bestest friend who actually doesn't know me...), for instance. I enjoy her writing. I watch her quirky YouTube videos. Then she makes a Podcast station and, of course, I'm interested. (For The Love! with Jen Hatmaker)

Suddenly I am that young 20-something sitting at the round table with everyone who has the ability to punish and be upset with my behaviors nodding their heads in agreement to one's sentiment: "eeaassiillyy iinnfflluueenncceedd...".

And I don't think being easily influenced is necessarily a bad thing, but at that time and place I took that as a slap across both my face and my cool, popular, handsome, Mexican, boyfriend-ish person's face as well. I felt like they were trying to make him into the bad guy while I was thought to be the innocent, tag-along. The boring, girl trying to be cool. Even at the extent of the ever-important curfew.
I resented it.

Today I don't resent it- call me a more mature (I should hope) version of myself. But I did find it uncanny, or ironic, or a mixture of the two. Maybe I am easily influenced, but I have conviction, integrity, and a mind of my own, so I feel that places me in a pretty good position.
I think I held those qualities then as well, but life changes people and forms us into better versions of ourselves. Again, I should hope. 

So...Orange Soufflé, are you ready??

       Family Circle 
This gets a HUGE standing ovation at my house! of the only sides I prepare which is received with such giddiness.

Orange Soufflé...aka, Carrot Soufflé

1 LB carrots chopped, boiled, and blended
1/2 C margarine, softened
1 TEA vanilla extract
3 eggs
3 TBL all-purpose flour
1 TEA baking powder
1/2 TEA salt
1/2 C sugar
a sprinkle of cinnamon and nutmeg

Mix margarine, eggs and vanilla in bowl. Add carrots. In a separate bowl, mix apf, bs, salt, and sugar. fold dry mix into moist mix.
Transer into baking dish and add cinn and nutmeg to top (I also like to mix the spices into the mix some). Bake at 350 degrees for 45mins.
Allow to cool.

yours lovingly,

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