Thursday, August 10, 2017

Exceptional Seashell (cheesy eggs, Birthday wishes, and Sons who Rock)

We have a large vase in our laundry room which is host to about 100 seashells. Most are fairly small and others a little larger. The colors, shapes, designs, and sizes vary.
What makes the seashells so lovely is that they were found mostly by Big Strong Man and myself prior to the birth of our sons. They are sentimental of a different time. A time with more sleep and less sticky floors...and less hugs and more "adulting". -whatever THAT really means, anyway.

Our three sons luuurve the seashells. They think they are sooo pretty and magical.
And they are right. 

Once one son rediscovered the seashells -which have always been there but find themselves in-and-out of the McFive-children-entertainment-hour- it takes approximately 3.5 seconds for the other two to want seashells as well. This means a LOT of seashells all over the house. This means arguments of "that's MY seashells" and "he has more seashells than I do". This means seashells in a line on one's bedroom shelve, and hidden from brothers in another one's current "secret-best-hiding-place-in-the-house", i.e. behind a cubbie or under my bed. 

Seashells, I hope I have made you understand, are coveted

Then today.
A friend came over this morning. It is her birthday and the boys and I sang "Happy Birthday" into her scrambled cheesy eggs with two regular and two trick candles.
There were squeals of delight every time the trick candles re-lit themselves- and that was just from me! About the time she began eating her eggs, my Beloved began showering her with "gifts". Another candle- this one "for keeps" and a fun, purple bracelet.
And then it happened.
Demitri, all four years of sass and sweetness, brought her out a seashell and told her it was hers to keep.
My chin about hit the floor. 

In full disclosure, I have AMAZING children- and I don't just say that willy-nilly. They are kind, polite, and friendly- most of the time.
And then days like today happen. Days when I remember that, on their own accord, from the very pit of them, they are their own people.
And they are exceptional.

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