Saturday, October 28, 2017

A Green Bean Named Ronnie: Dealing with Whining

We served green beans at dinner tonight. I made some delish skillet chicken and served them both to our sons. Big Strong Man and I had some veggie-medley instead because green beans are not "Whole 30 approved". The medley consisted of everything we had left in the fridge (corn, onions, celery, carrots, spinach, avocado). It was terrible, just so you know.

Anyway...where our 6-year-old excitedly ate his greens, and our 2-year-old just ignored them altogether, our 4-year-old was audibly less enthusiastic.
After whining (to which our automated response is, "Go ahead and take that whining to your bedroom. Have it out there, and when you are finished, you may return to the table." -This response is often met with sighs of desperation by our young ones), multiple attempts at bargaining, ("What about if I just eat two..?"), and then, finally, outrage, "Zeplin has less than me! Why do I have to eat all of these? I hate these! Still, our response remained the same, "you eat or not eat, it's up to you. If you choose not to eat, you get nothing else."

After those of us who were interested in eating ate, I prepared myself for a quick run to the grocery store. There was no yogurt for the boys and no eggs for the Mr and I, making this a very-necessary trip- lest we all starve upon morning.

As I stood near the door, packing my purse and gathering my shoes, I heard something. At first it annoyed me. Was that my husband, giving-in to the 4-year-old? Was there compromising going on at the table? I delayed my rush to get out the door and decided to observe their interaction.

Big Strong Man: (In a high-pitched, silly voice) You're not going to eat me. You aren't brave enough. You're a chicken....
4-Year-old: (puts single green bean in his mouth and giggles)
BSM: No! You did it! You put me in your mouth! Ah-ha! You're not going to chew me...!
4yo: (chews and giggles)
BSM: I cannot even believe you ate him! That was my brother, Mr. Green Bean! You better not eat me. I am Ronnie, and you better not eat me and my family!
This interaction went on for a few moments and I stood, dumbfounded, watching it happen. After a few moments, BSM looked up and I gave him a thumbs-up like a good wife.
Good job, indeed. 

                                Big Strong Man and Demetri

Ultimately, the four-year-old ate Ronnie, Ronnie's brother, and one of Ronnie's children. Three green beans and he was done, having had lost the giggling appeal of defying Ronnie and Big Strong Man.

He didn't earn desert.  He never returned to devour the green bean family. But I was impressed. Big Strong Man made an otherwise frustrating and disappointing interaction something wonderful.

Go Big Strong Man, Go!

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