Thursday, October 19, 2017

Breakfast Dinners, Permission to Breath, and Becoming Unbound

One of my favorite things about bringing home a new baby is the excitement of knowing a food train is on it's way- is that just rotten of me???
Let me re-state this. Rather, it is not the best part- the baby is the best part, hand's down- but any excuse to eat without cooking is appreciated, can I get an amen? And, after a labor and delivery; after your body undergoes so much trauma; after you have been away from home and your loved ones for two nights; pooping without a doctor walking in on you and eating real food are pure delights. #it'sthesimplethings

Misty had a baby girl. Peyton was born last Wednesday- nine days ago. Within a few days of their return home, a meal train was up and waiting.

For those of you who are not familiar with this term, here goes: a meal train is a way to organize volunteers to prepare meals for someone who is sick, in need, or, maybe, just returned home with a precious baby. This site has the address of the receiver, as well as things like allergies, number of people in household, etc. The volunteers go to the site and fill in spaces to which they are agreeing to fill with a meal. If the new family could concentrate on the new baby and the immediate family without having to consider food for, say, a week, well that, my dears, is a lovely gift. 

Let me tell you a secret. I used to despise meal trains. The thought gave me instant anxiety. The cost of buying a meal or the self-imposed expectancy for a first-class meal. The truth of making a nicer meal for the mom I barely know while feeding my own family cereal is not far enough removed from my memory that it does not still sting fresh. I would cringe and try desperately to go unnoticed when the sign-up was being addressed.

A major shift had begun in me a while ago. I actually don't remember when it started. What I do know is that it is tangible evidence that the Holy Spirit is working in me- this is not of MY doing. This is not what comes easy to me...or, at the least it wasn't always.

A knew me has emerged in some sense. I am not so frugal and tight with money that it monopolizes my time and attention. I do not always weigh unfavorably on the side of what I am losing when I make a purchase or simply live. I am no longer bound by some invisible but very real cord which tears at my flesh and my mind, trying to convince me with every yank that I am sinking and that holding on to money and what I perceived to be security, was the only way to overcome. I am unbound.

Like my Big Strong Man said so eloquently the other day, "I keep sending the money, and the Lord keeps giving it back." 
For reals, ya'll.

Tomorrow I am making a drive with my three little men in tow. We are driving what is likely a 30min drive to the house of a woman I barely know, and her new baby and small family. She is a MOPS mom and in the same group of which I am a member. I consider bringing her a meal an honor and a discipline. Sometimes we just need to do something, just because. The things which freighted us are clearly more difficult to do. This does not qualify them as unimportant, nor is it everyone's season to face their challenges head-on. Each of us must decide for ourselves. For me, it is time to deliver- literally.

Looking over the list of food items promised by other moms, I read that they are preparing chilli and cornbread muffins; spaghetti with meatballs and garlic bread;  ham, broccoli, and rice casserole; a baked mac and cheese with ham and veggie side. On and on, the list goes. Me? I am making breakfast for dinner. And here's why:

A) It's so yummy! Breakfast foods are notoriously delicious and wonderful.
B) They are also fairly easy to prepare.
C) And having them for dinner feels like a sneaky trick and is delightful.

Also, we had a friend bring us breakfast for dinner after the birth of Thatcher. It was fairly simple but entirely delicious. It was a treat and it has left an impression.

The thing about breakfast for dinner is this: free food is great. Pre-made food, even better. Comfort food, fantastic. Somehow, breakfast for dinner touches each of these factors and yet pulls out a wow factor and a smile and, graciously, with it comes permission to breath.
I smiled over our dinner of french toast and orange juice, and I hope Misty does too.

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