Thursday, October 12, 2017

Whole 30, special trip to Trader Joe's, and the Indoor Playground

Week 2 has come and gone. Whole 30, day 18, hello.
I thought I'd start with some whole30 updates: namely the fact that my diet is mainly nuts and fruit and I keep having stomach cramps and running to the potty.

Um...hello, did I say hello yet? This is Shannon, a.k.a. GoMommyBlogger, nice to meet you! And, oh yes, I am pooping a LOT these days.

So...this isn't a Whole 30 "flaw", it is just that I am snacking a lot on these foods and they are notorious diuretics. And they work.
Big Strong Man hasn't been feeling this effect, but he is also not eating his weight in nuts and fruit daily.

Side effects we have agreed upon: fatigue. We can get really tired. This is normal, you know, life stuff, but I also think the lack of variety in our diets (again, not -entirely- the fault of Whole 30), and -let's face it- the kind of boredom which only munching mindlessly on somethings sugary can cure. Maybe we are sleeping to pass the time. Idk. What I do know? I took at 4-hour nap last Sunday (as in, our first Sunday on Whole30, which was day 7), and BSM didn't even try to disrupt it. He let me enjoy every.single.minute.

In this week (week3), we have each felt slight headaches. Nothing bad enough to have us running to the store for Aspirin, but bad enough to want to sleep it off...which is not always possible when you have three little men running around. He observed that it was like coming off of a caffeine addiction, which I think is exactly right. I used to drink multiple cups of coffee daily and when I switched to decaf, my head hated me. This is encouraging, even though it sucked at the time. Any detox is a good detox when you are trying to re-start your body and the way it responds to certain types of food. a.k.a. when you are doing Whole 30

I consider all three symptoms (pooping, fatigue, and headaches) a "win" because I equate them to the side-effects of working out. When you are out of touch with your body physically, there are a lot of aches and pains you endure so as to build your tolerance and, eventually, your health.

Here is what we have been eating:
Steak with onions and celery in coconut oil...

Subway salad with a variety of veggies and no dressing 
(which was still delicious!)
p.s. You can get this and add vinegar...

Hot dogs and sauerkraut...don't hate! 
(Look IMMEDIATELY below to see how this is even possible.)


We actually skipped dinner all-together one night because *shocking* neither one of us was actually hungry. Here are some the snacks we have devoured discovered:

These babies are not cheap...but they are yummy!

I have eaten 1 whole bag per week so myself.
(what's up with my uber-shiny thumb?)

                                             These are dangerous. I repeat DANGEROUS.

We decided to head-out to Trader Joe's and the nearest one is 1hr15mins away. We craved a new grocery store and more "compliant" options. We made the trip as a family:
That's us...way up yonder...

My men

Returning with our goodies...

And this was how excited I was to be going. 
Very excited.

My sons have been begging to go to the local indoor playground. These are wonderfully/terrible institutes for which I am mutually grateful and overwhelmed by. We finally made it and I have a couple of pictures to prove it: 

Have a great week!

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