Saturday, December 9, 2017

Tantrums and Blessings, Birthday Weekend, and Thank Yous

Thatcher has a rash. It began on Friday and it is currently Monday. It is currently less than one-hour until he is due at the pediatrician's office for a lookie-loo. Big Strong Man just returned home from his 40th birthday surprise men's weekend. He is showering while I sip coffee and type away.
Thatcher is two and a half. I only mention the half because he is literally at the halfway point, which feels like a big deal in need of celebration, or in the least, honorable mention.
On Friday I thought Chicken Pox and immediately decided that the boys and I were going to stay home and BSM was still going to go on his adventure...of which he only had little-to-no knowledge of what was going on.
Thatcher's rash spread just a little but he seemed neither bothered by it, nor uncomfortable, so I decided that monitoring his rash from home was a good idea.
Until today.
It isn't spreading -exactly- but it looks irritating, and if the poor kiddo does have something, then it is my duty to help him: be it medicine, lotion, or a secret cup of ice cream. At 2.5 years-old, he won't be telling anyone about a mother-son date to the doctors gone yummy.

He is cuter than life.

We were driving in the car to get "Big Brutter"  the name Thatcher, who is the youngest of three, calls both of his big brothers. Yes, he says "Brutter". He was a mess, screaming and turning red, getting himself all work-up over, what? I had no clue. It could have been that he wanted to have a toy on this trip and forgot to grab one in time. It could have been that he just did not want to be in his car seat. Later, I wondered if the seat belt was irritating his rash...:( poor kiddo. Never-the-less, this is where the Big Pumpkin sighting happened.

This delightful two-year-old was crying big, wet tears until he saw the BIG PUMPKIN. It was then that his tears came to a standstill as his mouth curved into a smile and his gladness gave him away. "Big Punkin", he exclaimed, excitedly and perfectly as any 2.5 year-old would do. It takes him a moment...3 seconds to be precise...and then he remembers he is upset over something. Something even the Big Pumkin cannot  cure. The tears continue.

This Big Pumpkin is a blow-up in the front yard of a stranger's house. We pass it often, to and from school, church, and anything we do in town. The boys all get excited to see it. This is the reason I write about it today. For memory sake, but also for the fact that, having no idea what it means to my sons, someone simply has a pumpkin in their yard and it is a blessing. And it reminds me of the ways, big or small, we can all be blessings...and often, without even knowing.

Thatcher's rash, as it turned-out, was a heat rash. It totally was not a big deal...but the birthday weekend trip for Big Strong Man was priceless, and that would have been trickier had the boys and I been there, so, I wonder if that means the rash was a blessing as well?

B.S.M. drove 4 hours south and met with some friends.
A childhood friend.
A college friend.
Two friends from NC -whom we miss every day.
This sounds like a joke... as if they all walked into a bar somewhere.
Actually, until he saw them all, B.S.M. had thought the weekend would be just him and one other. Instead, there was a gathering of friends representing different times in his life, and together they proved their intelligence as they completed an Escape Room in under a hour.

That weekend was all his and he returned to us refreshed and excited!

Zeplin turned seven the same weekend B.S.M. went away- although he was here for the party.

Zeplin asked for a Strawberry and Blueberry cake.


He also wanted strawberry and vanilla cake. Here you can see the batch I sent to school for his class- including the single Gluten Free one without icing. 

He asked for corndogs and pizza for dinner.

This is his new ride...he was just a little overjoyed!!

Birthday Fun!!

            We ended-up at the neighbors after the bike riding. They have a trampoline

Demitri asked me to wear this ring he received in class that day...and I entertained myself by taking pictures of my shoes and the painted rocks in their yard.

This is the sheet Zeplin was given at birth. The gifter, the wife of Big Strong Man's pastor, informed us that it was to be signed by guests for every birthday...and it has been. Faithfully. 

Thankful for the owner of the Big Punkin. 
And thankful for you. 

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