Monday, October 8, 2018

Hellos with Pictures

Friends, have you noticed that I lack the ability to be a constant presence?
It is a thorn in my side, I confess, it is true.
This is why I am thankful that you are here. SO thankful.

After long breaks...during which I read about...I don't know...a million books (and boy did I find some good ones!! You can see my list and reviews, here.)...I always like to come back with a tale of hellos.

This is the story of a grateful girl and some cool stuff for which she is thankful, excited, and spilling-at-the-brim to share.

Join me!

Today I am thankful for heels!
Ya'll, I was asked to submit a photo of myself for our church's community group booklet. (I am hosting the mommy group!) I had nothing. Nada.
Here was the conversation I had with my Pastor's wife, via text:

She: Shannon, can you send me a picture?
Me: Now? um...
She: Yes, I need a picture, today.
Me: Yeah...that will be tricky. I'll try my best and get back to you.
She: Just take one from your Facebook.
Me: Um, that's not going to be possible.
She: Sure it is. I'll get on your site and just pick one.
Me: Please. No. There is none there. None. The last picture of myself that I like is easily, um, 4-years old.
She: Um...ok. Just send me something.

After I cried hot, salty tears and resisted having myself a pity party, I took a shower, fixed my hair, and did my make-up TO THE TENS, I took a few photos and submitted one. ...I think I took over 100... and I liked two.
What on earth?
           This is my Lauren Conrad tank...I found it for $3 at the Goodwill. Yes, please!

So I am thankful for heels. My friend Emily Baker Music played at Knob Hall, our local wine hang out and I paid $10 for a glass of deep burgundy wine and sat to watch her.
And I wore kicking heels!

These babes are Micheal Kors. They are nude, pointy toe, stilettos. I cannot seem to find the exact pair online, but these are DARN CLOSE...they also happen to be $100! -which I so did not pay ($5, Goodwill.)

And then there is that purse! Adorable!! I saw her and -impulsively- decided I wanted her- badly!! She's a purdy!!

OK. This summer has been one chock-full of reading and I have read some GREAT books!

The One and Only Ivan
* She's Still There
* Longing for Paris
* The Broken Way
The Prince Warriors
Jesus Always

* The Only Road North
* The Lucky Few
* Love Warrior
* Simply Tuesday
* At Home in the World
* Out of the Spin Cycle
* Water for Elephants
* You are Free
* Girl, Wash Your Face
* Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
* All Rise for the Honorable Perry T. Cook
* Adamant
* What Happens When Women Say Yes to God

* The Middle Place
* Carry On, Warrior
* How We Sleep at Night
* Looking for Lovely
* Everybody Always
* Hoodwinked
* Staying Stylish

  Yes...I have been busy! I wonder how many of you are Bookies like me??
So...let's be honest, some of these were better than others. You can read my reviews and recommendations here.

Ya'll I attend the Propel conference, put on by Christine Caine. Um, yes, please, and always!
Jenn Johnson (of Bethel fame) was there and my went crae-crae!!

What a fantastic day it was! Because I volunteered, (hello,, FREE registration, FREE t-shirt, EARLY ADMISSION, FREE lunch- sign me up!!) myself and 100 other women all got in and when they so casually asked who would like to take care of Bethel's table?, I darn-near jumped out of my skin and was all,
Yes! ME! Over here! Please, please, PLEASE!!

They took pity on me and said yes. I was beyond grateful.
Additionally, I met Gabbi in line prior to the start of the event and she also jumped out of her skin to volunteer for Bethel. That is her on the left of our three-girl table. Kindred Spirits. Yay.


Since we last did HELLOS, Rachel Hollis' Made For More hit theaters and you know your girl and her friend @Becky were there!  

 This was us at Walmart after: 

And this Taco Bell packet...all the feelings.

There was a unicorn spotting...!

A little man in underoos and a raincoat...!
And a big kid learning guitar...!

Here are some current food and treats I am enjoying.
28 Day Detox, TJ MAXX, Pumpkin Ravioli, Strawberry Cream cheese (the stuff dreams are made of), and this Thai Coconut Curry Hummus...which is so/so. All from Aldi's. Gather Here With Grateful Hearts kitchen towel set, $3, Target. Wunderlust candle, unscented, $1, Dollar Tree.

This BLESSED mug, TJ MAxx, this Fall is my Favorite cookbook holder/decor, $3, Target, and these votives holders which are SO TRENDY!!!, Dollar Tree. 

OK, one more round of selfies...I PROMISE it is so not in my nature to be conceited. I am often times incredibly insecure. The fact that I was so limited with photos of myself which I liked made me a little LITTLE LOT aware that, when I'm feeling pretty, I need evidence 
(and reminders)!

I blew this picture up because -hello!- look at these stilletos!!! (You can read about them, here.)

Image result for mops international 

And how about this exercise from our last MOPS meeting? Each mom wrote something (many things) which have been burdensome to us, and then took turns burning them up. We stood around and cheered one another one, watching each paper flail and burn, consumed in the fire bin. 
Here was mine- pre-burn, baby, burn!!

I'm so into this Bible App. my dearest friend @Travita introduced me. 
Together we do endless devotionals which we talk through together: YouVersion  

You can find Rachel Hollis', Girl, Wash Your Face devotional! You can also find our current, Choosing Real, written by Bekah Jane Pogue

And, ya'll, the App. is free!  

And these are my HELLOS. 
Things bringing me life. 

I hope you find life in your day.
Eyes open.
Ready to live.


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