Friday, November 2, 2018

100 Days to Brave, day 10: Your Feet

I once wrote myself a love letter.
I know, quite a confession, right? 

The focus was not on how my eyes are the color of the wheat in a field or my body being a wonderland (John Mayer anyone?)...the focus was on treating myself kindly, remembering how far this ol' gal has taken me, and finding grace and peace in every stretch mark, beauty mark, and idiosyncrasy.

A separate time I wrote about hands and how they tell so much about a person.
And another time still (yesterday, anyone?) the heart.

Today we talk about feet.

Like the worship song we all sang at summer camp circa: 2000. 
I wanna be Your hands. 
I wanna be Your feet. 
I'll go where You send me. 
Go where You send me. 
And I'll try. Yes I'll try. 
To touch the world. 
Like You touched my life.
And I'll find my way,
to be Your hands. 
(And for those of you who just NEED TO KNOW, the video is posted below.)

Outside of summer camp songs (Ms. Courtney, Matt on crutches, Faith singing back-up) and  previous blog posts, there is a point to today's devotional.

As I type, it is November 2nd, one of my beloved's birthdays (happiest birthday, little buddy!!), and four days until the midterm elections. I imagine this post being found in the future and the reader needing some background:
Today our current president is President Trump.

Annie writes today that, "one of the truest ways to glorify God with your feet is to lead."
Yes. Agreed. 

Friends, I encourage you today to be brave and pray for your nation. Pray for your leadership. Pray by name. You do not have to love your president, king, queen, whomever, but you ought to pray. You ought to PRAY BRAVE PRAYERS.
Take the lead of your thoughts, your prayers, and your feet.
Take the lead.
Be brave.

Fellow Americans, come November 6th, do the brave thing, the honorable thing, the dutiful thing, and vote. No party, no candidate, no campaign is perfect. At the end of the day, however, if you voted, you said your piece-and that is brave.

Be Brave: 
Where are some places where you are already leading? 
Thank God for them, and ask Him for even more opportunities.   

To this I would add:
Who are some people in leadership over you? Thank God for them, and ask for Him to bless their leadership abilities. 

At the end of the day, the candidate we all want to see in office is obviously Dwight Schrute, anyway.  #prayingpeopleunite! #dwightschruteforoffice!

Speaking of, doesn't this cartoon boy look just like President Schrute?             Image result for dwight schrute

Yep. I dare you not to sing along.

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