Saturday, November 3, 2018

100 Days to Brave, Day 11: Your Mind

I thought we completed the body yesterday, folks. 
Clearly, I did not peek ahead. 

Today Annie writes about your mind, chai lattes, and sparks.
Starting with the chai lattes...Annie and I share this: our love of almond milk chai lattes.
Have you met Annie, yet? 
Take a moment and read about this friend we are tracking with on this journey. 
You can see her profile, here
                                              Image result for annie f downs

And the mind. Says Annie, "Your mind is a container, but it's a fragile container. So being brave means taking measures to protect it." To me, measures look like stopping my alliegence to shows which promote promiscuity, disrespect to marriages, and negativity to the church.
I cut them off, indefinitely.
It also looks like not clicking on the all the buzz feed on my Google tab reminding me that the Kardashians are ruling the world and Taylor Swift wrote another song. I just don't care, and I certainly don't need to waste my time reading about it.

Than the sparks. These are those beautiful reminders, ideas, and inspiration which flood our thoughts. They are likely always present, but we can too easily tune them out. It is wise to keep a journal- or a blog!- to remember such sparks and track them.
Years ago I had the spark to begin a blog. I had hoped it would serve as an online diary, accountability, and photo book for my family. Crazy thing, I imagine that being honest and vulnerable, not fabricating a make-believe life- can be of great important and influence.
It started with a spark, and here it is: fruition.

Be Brave: 
What is one thought, one spark, 
one idea in your head that you think God may have put there? 
Write it down. (And at some point, do something with the spark!) 

I write. I do this because it began as a spark and has become a beacon. If to no one else, it inspires me. It drives me to be present and thoughtful. This exercise in posting every day for the last 11 has been great accountability. Greatly humility, as well. And greatly rewarding. We have 89 to go! Imagine being there and having only 11 left...goodness. Here's to staying-power, and sparks which do not fade. 

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