Thursday, January 31, 2019

Let's All Be Brave: Day 100 (!!!!!); 100 Days to Brave

Friends, funny thing here. 
Turns out, as I was reading through this, I felt this deju-vu thing.
You know?
The, "I've been here before type".


As I looked back through my blog I realized that I somehow neglected day 94 and instead did day 100 a week ago. How in the world??
You can read day 94, here.

Day 100: Let's All Be Brave
Annie begins and ends today's devotional a little like the way I imagine a conference with her may go...
First, she draws us in with Scripture (and one of my favorites, too!)
Related image
find here

Next, Annie will captivate us with storytelling: 
We will hear about her sending glitter in the mail to her baseball friends, and how she carries a confetti popper in her purse for cases of emergency
She will convince us that these are magical and hold the ability to turn a sad day into a great one, a great day into a somehow greater-still one. 

Image result for confetti poppers
find here

She may take one from the podium, where she placed it for just the right moment, and she will stand before us, all eyes on her, and she will let it fly. 
Colors and confetti will go everywhere and a few lucky members of the audience may have a piece land in their hair, for which they will boast about how God was clearly speaking to them and the confetti is the evidence thereof. 
Image result for jesus laughing
find here

Annie will talk about the magic of the popper, but also turn it into an object of spirituality. She may try to tell us that Jesus Himself pulled the first cord on the first popper over 2000 years ago, and we will shake our heads in denial and yet envision it in our minds and smile. "Yeah", we'll agree, "we can see that..."

She'll make the connection between how loud it is and how it must be brave to be so loud: wanting to be heardKnown. How we, like the popper, desire the same- it's all that confetti which is stored inside of us. It needs to be released, and when we allow it to do so, when the pressure of the lid is removed, when the expectancy of the cord is pulled, when the aim is facing away at just how far it can go, we'll see it in action: the confetti of living brave

Image result for confetti poppers

"Here's why: because my courage affects other people the same way that my being near you with a confetti popper will make your life different and better and more amazing.
"Your courage affects other people, and it's just like that confetti popper. When you pull the string off with courage and you celebrate with sparkles, other people will feel like they can get confetti all over the place too."- Annie

Yes and amen. 

Be Brave:
I think you probably need to go buy a confetti popper. 
Then take a picture of yourself shooting it into the air! 
Post the picture online and include the hashtag #100daystobrave.

My three favorites and CONFETTI

...the aftermath

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