Thursday, January 3, 2019

Please Eat Your Veggies, Day 73: 100 Days to Brave (Reset, day 3 and My Enneagram results)

I tried something new today. It was interesting, had a slight green hue (or maybe that was the placebo effect on me), and it absolutely intrigued me. As Thatcher and I were leaving the hospital (where I had my blood drawn for food allergy testing), there was a complimentary beverage dispenser with iced water and some added items for infusion. The items: cucumber and rosemary.

I almost walked by, but as my feet kept walking, my eyes never left the thistles of the rosemary and I just had this compulsion to try. 

Both Thatcher and I were surprised at how nice it was, giving an otherwise plain cup of water a nice and refreshing hint of flavor.

And you know the fun connection: a cucumber is a veggie, and today Annie is beckoning us to join her in consuming more of the produce variety. 

You know, at some point today I am prioritizing meal planning for the next week. To some of you, that will be incredibly unimpressive, but to those of you who know me and know the struggle I have with a lack of meal planning/prepping/passion, #thestruggleisreal.

As I look over our pantry and fridge, our freezer and our leftovers, produce will be a mandatory factor in each meal.
Because, I get it. 
It isn't that eating veggies makes us closer to God, or that not eating them makes us heathens, but it is about INTENTIONAL LIVING and CHOOSING HEALTH and both of these are awesome ways to glorify God with our lives. 

Be Brave: 
Let me tell you what you need to do. Go to a farmers' market today. 
Even if you don't know what to buy, just find your local farmers' market and walk through it. 
See the colors and the seasonal offers. 
Notice the farmers and ask them questions. 
Buy one vegetable, one that you know you can google how to cook, and try it! 

I am not going to the farmers' market today, but I am going to prepare a pitcher of water with something infused inside. That is a guarantee. 

Apple, Lemon and Cinnamon

On a completely different note, I took the Enneagram test yesterday and now I know I am a 2w3. If you haven't heard of this before, it would be helpful to know that this is a personality test, and an incredibly detailed one, at that. This helps to show you why you are the way you are, your bents: both positive and negative, and your "wing", or a "second side" to your personality. 

For LOTS of details and a great breakdown of the Enneagram, click here. This has been on my radar for the LONGEST TIME and I finally made time to do this. The FREE TEST I am linking is pretty quick, about 10 mins, tops, and that's if you're a pensive thinker. 

Annie is a HUGE fan of the Enneagram- I bet she'll mention it before this devotional is over!

RESET Day 3, muchelleb. 

Just as a disclosure, I am posting her 7-day RESET for you, the reader. I am doing this SAME RESET, but at my own pace, which is much slower. In fact, I am still on Day 1 of the Reset: the decluttering and cleaning process. 

As I progress on my journey, I'll include some photos (proof!) and invite you to join me there as well. In the meantime, if you are enjoying muchelleb's style, you can stream her YouTube videos while you wash your dishes, like me. :)


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