Friday, January 4, 2019

Please Rest, Day 74: 100 Days to Brave (RESET Day 4 Plus, Magnolia and other GREAT FINDS)

Demetri was having s difficult time with his behavior management. He would loose his cool and completely burn out and along with the burnout were tears, shouts, and usually a pillow receiving some kind of wrath.
After weeks of this, and trying to limit special activities, treats, and/or handing out consequence after consequence, Big Strong Man and I realized what the kiddo needed most: rest.

And he fought us over this.

He was not at all happy to be sent to his room and made to lie down and relax.

As a 5-year old, he understood that while he rested, he would be missing out on something else (FOMO= fear of missing out) and it bothered him greatly. 
So he fought this as well.


one day...

it clicked.

His body was tired. He needed the rest. 
Instead of fighting, he was ready to receive. 

This is still ongoing, his mandatory time of rest. Every day, after school. Even on weekends. Always on Sundays.

It has been over a year now since we have decided to make Sunday a day of rest for our family. It doesn't mean we do nothing, but it does mean that, most Sundays, we nap. All five of us. 
Sometimes in the same bed. 

And I have grown to love this as one of my absolute favorite family times.
Is it always easy?
To just stop?
To miss out on what could be (getting done/happening elsewhere/etc)?
No, it's not always easy. 

But never, EVER, have I regretted the choice to stop. To lie down. To prioritize rest.

So when Annie writes, "...God gives rest to His beloved. Friend, bravery isn't conquering the world in your own strength. It's working hard with what you're given, but also trusting that everything comes from God- your ability to hustle is from God. He created you.
"So listen to Him when He tells you to rest. Make rest a rhythmic part of your life. It is a discipline you have to choose to invite into your life." (emp. mine)

I listen.
To Annie.
To God's gift for me.

"Be brave enough to rest- knowing that you need it. Knowing that it's healthy. Knowing that even God Himself rests." 

Be Brave: 
Take a nap. Go to bed early tonight. 
Take a day off from work (or even just an afternoon). Find rest. 
(emp. mine)

**RESET 2019, Day 4**

If you have been following along with the DAILY RESTS, you are likely kicking some serious butt! I mean, how can you not? Muchelleb is so encouraging and I feel like she is such a great example of getting things done. 
I hope you enjoy her as much as I do!

Here is her link for Day 4: personal policies.
"If you don't have personal policies set in place, then other people's priorities will hijack your life."- Muchelleb

As I confessed yesterday, I am still on Day 1. 
Still decluttering. 
Still cleaning. 

But I have also learned some seriously positive feedback about myself. When I focus on one task (decluttering is the current), I am a pretty good at it! Plus, it is SO CONTAGIOUS!!

I am LOVING seeing the empty counter space, not having to fight with the five ladles to get the one I want, and not missing these items At.All! I am loving the order it is bringing, even in little ways- mostly in little ways!

*It is the way my Lazy-Susan Corner-Cabinet (does this have a better name?) doesn't spill over with product, and I can actually see what's in there!
*It's the way my cabinet space set aside for pots, pans, and bake ware all have designated areas. Where it was once a free-for-all and havoc ensued whenever there was an attempt to close the cabinet, with fingers crossed, before anything crashed. 
*It is how lovely my white, subway titles look without five items crammed in front of them. 

It is how I feel, so relaxed and refreshed, when I look at the progress I have made so far. 

So, join Muchelleb at the speed of light and knock each "daily" task out every day, like she. Or do this at a more relaxed pace, like me.
Just do it. 

Because we all like to see pretty things and feel peaceful. 
Can I get an amen? 

In line with my RESET,  I went to the store today to grab a few items, (New Year-New Plunger, anyone?) and I am really excited to show you some of the best bargains I have found- and you might still be able to snag!

Thatcher and I ran our errands today which lead us first to the Dollar Tree *luuurve*. 
Look at these treasures- and each was only $1!

When you consider that these are the XL boxes of NAME BRAND cereal, costing upwards of $4 EACH elsewhere, this was as steal. 
Plus, organic granola (need I say more?). And this flavor is SO GOOD!  

The LOVE sign was a random find, but sometimes the decor in there is done so well
My vetting process told me that Hobby Lobby likely has the same item for 4x the cost, and I could not make this cheaper than the $1 asking price. Sold. 

Next stop was Wal*Mart. I find that it makes so much sense to shop in this order because the Dollar Tree has been really good with getting nice, even name brand, items so if I can find it there, for $1, it is highly doubtful I will find it anywhere else cheaper. 

Thatcher and I had our sights on Wal*Mart because there were just some items the Dollar Tree can't provide. 
The canvases we purchased were 3/$2-something, making them less than $1 each and a stellar deal. 
The metal sign, which I consider a worthwhile splurge, was just under $9- but Look. At. It!!!

Look again. Up close:

While there, we found the discounted holiday aisles and almost everything was
50-75% off! 
Like this MAGNOLIA WREATH from Holiday Time? Usually $12.97 (which is actually not a bad price), but I found this -last one!- for $3 and some change. You bet I grabbed it at lightening speed!
There was also this pre-lit holiday wreath, also, Holiday Time, normally $9.87, I got it for $2.50!  (The woman in front of me picked the first one up. I saw her eyes. She picked up another. I watched from my side of the aisle and found myself praying that she leave at least one behind. Please, Lord, I would like one! She did. All is well.)
This $8 wrapping paper, less than $2.  
The ornament hooks and the Happy New Year banner, .50 cents each. 

I am an absolute advocate for planning ahead and knew that I would love all of these items in a year (when I would pull them out of storage and gasp with joy), and that these prices were amazing deals!

If you are like me and wondering why I am bringing MORE stuff into my house when I am in a decluttering frenzy, first off, I get it, but secondly, everything I am bringing in now is going through some form of vetting process. Like the amazing hats I found the other day for dirt cheap. They were GORGEOUS and I wanted them SO BAD. But I didn't get them. Why? Because I do not need anther hat, or three.  But beautiful decor which i have long wanted (the Magnolia wreath) or just am instantly over-the-moon for (the metal sign), these are worthy of the space. The time. Money. Effort.   

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