Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Please Exercise, Day 72: 100 Days to Brave (Reset Day 2)

Yesterday Annie began her own group read-through of 100 Days to Brave, did you join her?
You can do so, here.
Or, here.

Although she is on day 2, today, we are currently on day 72, and, once again, the timing is awesome.
Pursue exercise.
As day two of a new year, one of the biggest, most lofty and yet understandable goals people set is to lose weight/get healthy. And exercise is an integral part of this goal. 

Image result for exercise pictures, funny

Why should we exercise?
Because doing so helps us to take care of our bodies, and this helps us to be strong and better able to help others. 

Annie writes, "Brave people exercise and see it as a form of obedience to God."

But why would exercise be seen as obedience? Because, writes Annie, "In Romans, Paul told us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, and here is the truth of the matter: if we don't take care of our bodies, we are limiting our ability to do His work. Seriously. If we aren't kind to our bodies, if we aren't treating our bodies well, we are shortening our impact on the planet." (emps. mine)

Well said, Annie, well said. 

Be Brave: 
Take a walk. Go to the gym. Go swimming. Train for a 5K. 
As my yoga studio sign always says, pursue sweat.  

If your new year's resolution has anything to do with being more active, loosing some weight, or being a healthier you, why not do so with the knowledge that you were made as a vessel for God and you have His blessing to pursue health? I feel like that is a huge encouragement for us all.

If you are joining me for MuchelleB's RESET, today is DAY 2. You can watch her clip, here.  

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