Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Getting Our Life Admin On Track: Day 2/4, Reset #2

Some days your on, right? And some days...Oh. You're not.

It is 9:30 at night and I am inventing things to add to my list so I can cross them off. To be fair, I only added/crossed off...letmesee...five items. These were items I may or may not (may) have already completed and just put there for show.

The plan for today was to get some FROGS taken care of. That didn't quite happen (it didn't happen at all), but I did cross some items off, so, there's that.

Yesterday I typed out my list of goals for this Life Admin reset and sorted it into piles of:

Here is today's portion of list: events/dates/appointments

*clean out hall
*organize upstairs hall and closet
*clean car


*go to bank
*date with JulieGeri, Dawn, Kristen
*schedule life admin days for future (put one on each first week of the month for the remainder of the year)
*spa days (every other week)
*Cow Appreciation Day at Chic-Fil-A (July 10th)
*Joyce Meyer's  (coming to my area)
*Bethel (coming to my area)
*See You At The Pole (Sept. 25th) (read about SYATP here)
*relocate book list to new phone
*Thatcher's birthday party plan

                                  Menu Planning and cute Target decorative towels.

Alright, how are you fairing today?
Share below about what FROGS you have looming on your plate.

Go, now, go after the life you want. 
Kiss the ones you love.
In case no one has told you lately, you are loved.
You are appreciated.

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