Friday, February 8, 2019

Getting Our Life Admin On Track: Day 4/4, Reset #2

Welcome back to the mini life reset challenge number two, friends!
Today is the LAST day of challenge two: Life Administration.

If you are new, don't click away, join us!
These mini life resets are brought to us by an Aussie named Muchelle B.- you can see her profile here and reset number two, here.

So, same as last challenge, I missed out on day 3...whatupwiththat?

Image result for SNL What Up With That?

I digress.

During this challenge, we made some phone calls for appointments we have long postponed (gyno, anyone?), we finally put the batteries in the thing (neglected facial scrubber), and we took care of at least one of the mounds of paper most of us keep for some unknown reason- Did you do it? Did you shred, recycle, or file something???

Because today is the last day of this particular challenge, I am going to look at my list and see what has yet to transpire- maybe eat a frog:

*clean out hall
*organize upstairs hall and closet
*clean car

*Rearrange bedroom
*sort storage bins 
*book box in living room 
*sort electronic stuff

...Alright, I see you there, book box. You're teasing me. Testing me. Wondering if you'll get the side hustle once again. I think you are my #goal. You need to be removed.  

Looking at some more of my list:


*date with JulieGeri, DawnKristen
*schedule life admin days for future
*spa days
*Cow Appreciation Day at Chic-Fil-A (July 10th)
*Joyce Meyer's

*Pick up glasses
*gyno, car, derm appointments

*contour, learn how to do eyeliner
*teeth whitener
eyelash lengthener; 
a yummy mock- Pediasure recipe,
Melaleuca (Tee Tree Oil) hair spray for lice prevention (like this or this); 

(You know those moments something seems too coincidental or serendipitous? Look at what I read in Dance Stand Run yesterday and tell me -tell me!- if this wasn't a great reminder to DO THIS THING!!

Jess' friend made a head lice preventative spray and, with our store-bought bottle of Fairy Tales: Rosemary Repel running low, I think this needs to become priority.)

*finish reading Dance Stand Run and begin Girl, Stop Apologizing (read more! click here)

*read Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory with my sons (ps, they are loving it!)
*clear out emails
*blog posts..
*batteries in ...facial scrub...doorbell...SW game...

*Thatcher's birthday plans
*put trash cans away
* sort cleaning supplies (haul)
*build piggy banks with kiddos
*clean the microwave vent and oven

And I'm back. This is my edited version of to-dos. I figured I can strive to get the highlighted items done today. That will be a #win.

What does your last day of Life Admin. look like for you? Remember, this is an ongoing process. Neither my remaining to-dos, nor yours, will just handle themselves. This is some Tortoise and the Hare lesson.

Muchelle B. says this well and with emphasis when she states, "I know these aren't the big rocks you're taking care of, but sometimes when the little rocks don't get taken care of enough, you start to go fricken' crazy.".  (emphs mine)
And I know, can relate.

So...finish strong today as tomorrow we look forward to: Planning Our DREAM YEAR!
Plus, Muchelle leaves us with a challenge: *text message friends/family ask them, what should I do more of? less of? in 2019


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