Thursday, February 14, 2019

Mini Life Challenge number 4: How to Plan your 2019 Goals & Resolutions Day 2/4

Welcome back to our mini life reset. Today is day two of challenge four: 
How to Plan your 2019 Goals & Resolutions 

Yesterday we started with the first two items our hostess, Muchelle B., shared with us, 

*Choose a Guiding Word for the Year
*Choose Your Supporting Words 
*Put Yourself a Year into the Future, journal, vision, 
*Setting Your Goals (consider short-term vs. yearlong) 
*Know Your Why 
*How (behavior to help you make your goal) 
*Create Accountability (find a partner or be your own) 

In today's post, I am going to focus on numbers three and four: 

*Put Yourself a Year into the Future, journal, vision, 
*Setting Your Goals (consider short-term vs. yearlong) 

Before we get started, please stop, grab a smoothie (I am currently drinking V8 Orange Carrot blended with raw spinach, mixed berries [frozen], ginger, and Pea Protein), hit the "follow" button for more updates, challenges, and opportunities to not feel as though you are doing this mommy gig alone, and have a notebook handy for jotting down some goals and working on your foresight.

Here goes:

*Putting myself a year into the future. It is February 14, 2020, Valentine's Day! An election year for those of us here in the USA. Looking over the goals I set back on Day 2 of the How to Plan your Dream Year in 2019 challenge, I am reminded that I made goals to WORK OUT this past year (2019).

Because I had a plans for this, including weekly workout dates, monthly goals, and a Couch-to-5k, to look forward to, plus I asked for friends to keep me accountable, and Big Strong Man supported this goal 100% by watching the kiddos even when he wanted to be watching Everybody Loves Raymond

My goal of having rock-hard abs may not have had been realized (or did it?) by the time B.S.M. and I went on our 10-year anniversary get away TO ANOTHER COUNTRY (and- spoiler! The Kiddos Were Just Fine Without Us!) but I WORE THAT BIKINI and felt beautiful and free and confident, plus, BONUS!, I worked my booty off beforehand, so I KNOW I looked good!

Once the school year began, I joined a gym and focused on building muscle, and losing some of the jiggles. This was extra exciting for me because I thrive in the classroom zumba-yoga-hiit environment- love it! Plus, because I finished my Couch-to-5K earlier in the summer, I actually RAN MY FIRST 5K this past fall- go me!  

Image result for couch to 5k

Because I continued to piggy-back off of other people's blogs and vlogs when I wasn't certain what to share, I consistently had content to share through-out the year, which did wonders for my writing. If nothing else, I showed upI did what I set out to do. I added a few fellow people in my circle of influence.  I hope I served you well.

Image result for couch to 5k

In 2019 I decided to take a hard look at my calendar, obligations, and goals. This prompted me to say "no, thank you" to some opportunities while making room for others- and don't you know, there are seasons for everything
While at one time I wanted to be a member of the Friendly Hill's Women's Bible Study on Tuesday, the MOPS group on Wednesday, and Bible Study Fellowship on Thursday-  ALL THE MOM THINGS.  I am phasing out of that
Of course I am still a mom, but with my youngest beginning Pre-School, I decided it was time to see what the next pillar of momhood looked like. And this included working on me

Notice I didn't outline things to do or goals with my sons or husband. It isn't for lack thereof, but it is for wanting to embrace their desires as well as my own, and sometimes that can be planned and mapped out, and other times it cannot. If I were to write some out, they would be dependent upon us both (myself and whomever else was involved), and that is more fluid than a personal goal. With my personal goals, I show up or I don't. That's it. 

Some family goals include: 

Having a great time at Knoebels and the family reunion. 
Playing a few songs really well on our guitars. 
Allowing the boys to try new things. ...and setting new boundaries.

The second item, Setting Your Goals (consider short-term vs. yearlong), were also outlined above, but for specificity, here goes: 

Between Jan-early June (the remainder of the school/activity year) we showed up and did well where we already committed. 

Around April, I began my Couch-to-5K and this got me outdoors more to exercise. I asked someone to meet with me to do this, she said yes, and we kept one another accountable. This was a 9-week goal. We celebrated completing this by making plans to do another before the end of the year, and picked an actual 5K to run as our prize.

Alright, I hope your 2019 was just as great as mine. 
In order to get there, and I am preaching to myself here as well, we need intentionality. We need a plan. A goal. We need motivation.

Think...Rachel Hollis
...Amy Landino
...Tracey Hensel

 These are my go-to gals for inspiration. How about You? Find your people, learn from them, and make this a stellar year!  You need to put in your work, for sure, but when you have a handful of cheerleaders in your court, that sure helps!

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