Thursday, May 30, 2019

Go Mommy Blogger and The Better Mom Devotional, day 1: Let God Be God

I'm excited to be back with a devotional- 100 days, round two. 
(Round one was with Annie F. Downs', 100 Days to Brave.
You can catch it here.)

In Ruth Schwenk's devotional, the title and subtitle read:
The Better Mom Devotional; Shaping Our Hearts As We Shape Our Homes.
How. Lovely.

The Better Mom Devotional  -     By: Ruth Schwenk
To begin this introduction, I am going to copy a few sentences from Ruth's introduction. (I would copy it verbatim, if that weren't possibly illegal- namely, plagiarism.)

"...I hope to spur you on...
It's my sincere hope and prayer that God uses this devotional 
to encourage your mama heart and meet you right where you are.

...Just as God is using us as moms to shape our children, 
God is using our children and motherhood to shape us.

...The way to becoming a better mom starts not with what we are doing, 
but with who God is inviting us to become." 

Day 1: Let God Be God

I appreciate how Ruth writes about the struggle we all (I) feel regarding failing our children.
How we wonder if our compulsive and horrible yelling is going to mark their future lives.
Or if our children will fear what we fear because we haven't done the difficult work of "conquering" it yet.

"Even when we feel as if we are failing as moms, God's purposes for us and for our children never will. Let God be God."

Backing up, Ruth writes, "In many ways...our actions can reveal of lack of trust in the God who is ultimately in control of our lives- and our children's lives."

I find my lack of trust in God's sovereignty 
when I don't see hope in a situation.

Do you ever feel this way?
Why not grab a copy of Ruth's book and join me here?

Here's to the next 99 days!

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