Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Healing My Body; part 1: Warts; second post

Welcome back, ya'll!
In two days, I will have been on this wart mission an entire week. That means, as I sit here typing, I have been on an all-natural, wart-removing mission for five days! (Missed my intro? Click here!) If you were following my experiment, I suppose you may be interested in results? Yeah?
Good! I got some!

                   This appears to be the only "before" picture I had taken of one of my warts.
                      Believe it or not, as per the awkward angle, this is my pinky-finger.

                           After doing the A.C.V. treatment for two days, this is what my skin
                                                      looked like under the band aid.
                                                          (Loose, dead, peeling skin.)

                               Once I removed the dead skin, (which peeled off easily but totally
                              grossed me out-and freaked me out too, let's be honest!-), I saw a
                              huge change in the size of the wart, which is noticeably smaller.

                              Still, I continued the treatment on my pinky and the following day
                              it looked like this! It killed 2 layers, ya'll! That is powerful stuff!
                              Not only was this killing off too much healthy skin, but I was totally
                              freaked out by then and stopped treatment for the next 48 hours.

                                    But, 48 hours later, look how nice (and quick!) it healed!
                                                     And, guess what?!?!, NO WART!!!

                               Here is my thumb. I fudged here and totally thought I had a
                               before shot, but I do not. This was taken today. Not only can
                                   you not see where the wart was, but it is healthy skin!

                 And is the only wart of mine which is turning black(ish). In my
                 first post, I mentioned how the information I was reading about using A.C.V.
                 to remove warts explained that they would turn black before they fell off. I
                 was expecting this of each one of my warts, but this is the only one looking
                               even slightly black. More red, and scab-like, to be honest.

 So far I am impressed with these results. Like, really impressed. Not only has it been only five days (!), but it is an all-natural treatment and it did not cost an arm and a leg!
Once I have any real big changes, I will write again. Hopefully this will never include a post about a returning wart...we'll see!

(If you are waiting for my "go-ahead" with A.C.V. for wart removal- THIS IS IT! But remember, I am no doctor, nor do I pretend to be. You should always consult with your doctor before beginning new things.)

P.S. check out the price tag on these store-brand wart removers! #WTHeck!!

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