Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Create Your 2019 Vision Board, Reset #6 Day 1/4

How to Create your 2019 Vision Board ☀️

Reset Your Life Challenge

So... a vision board, eh? 
The 14 year old turn-everything-into-a-collage me is loving this, but the 36 year old? Why do I feel too old for this? 

Take a moment and check out Muchelle's reset for today's topic and then return to me. You can watch it by clicking here

I confess, two conversations keep running through my mind. 

The first is that of my 53 year-old momma telling me that she is going to create a vision board and how I am all, "yeah, you should totally do that!"... but still I. feel. awkward. (And, yes, do the math, my momma was a baby when she had me.)

The second was a conversation I had with momma yesterday, wherein she asked me if I wanted a pair of overalls from Old Navy and how she would gladly buy them for me.
1- no, I did not ask her to buy me pants, that was all on her and her generous heart, and
2- no, indeed, I do not want bibs, but thank you. 

A few years ago I wrote a post about dressing my age titled, Have I Outgrown the Juniors Department? (Yes, Modesty)  I was 32 at the time. Mostly I feel that I have held fast and strong to my convictions and preferences beginning all those years ago, but every once in awhile my sister, momma, or some other well-meaning friend will say something about how I dress like an old lady an it rubs me the wrong way. (As if there is a "right way" to a dig like that.)

Like when I wear my tankini with swim skirt bottom, 
which I think is totally fitting for a 36 year old mom with a belly. 
Plus, it looks vintage, so I totally dig it. 

But it isn't a bikini, and, in truth, 
I haven't wore a bikini since I was pregnant with Zeplin- in 2010!, 
which threw my mother-in-love for a loop because 
women in her day would never...!

Or when I donated all my mini skirts because, 
hello, I am not a cute 17-year old girl 
impressing her friends and the guys at the gas pump. 
By removing these from my wardrobe, 
one would have thought I succumbed to mumus for the rest of my days.

"Why not", asked my momma yesterday when I told her I really wasn't interested in the bibbys. What I wanted to tell her was that I think they are immature and I prefer a much more sophisticated look, but my sister, who is only one year younger than I, she got a pair yesterday, so to say that I think they are immature kinda implies that I think she is immature. Which she is not. (Listen, Jen Hatmaker agrees with me, so that means something. For the Love.)

All of this to say: vision boards
I hear you, Muchelle, but I am just not feeling it. 

This sums up perfectly what every notebook and piece of artwork on my 14-year-old bedroom wall looked like:

Image result for collage

So I have interpretations and adjustments 
I am adapting for this challenge. 

The first: Some pictures of dreams for inside my bullet journal. Lovely reminders to stay focused, set goals, and live my own life. 

The second: Reminders in prominent. intentional locations throughout my house. My kitchen, dining room, and bedroom. 

The third: Begin to help my sons understand the initial challenge of a vision board, and help them make their own. This is where the 14-year old in me can thrive, ala Claudia Kishi!Image result for claudia kishi, art

Alright, your turn. Are you creating a legit vision board like Muchelle, or something a little more altered to your preferences? 
Share comments, photos, and progress in the comments where we can cheer one another on!

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