Monday, July 10, 2017

Warts: An Update with ACID, Time, and Dips in my Skin

It has been a good long time since I have blogged about warts.
My warts. Grog.

If you happen to have a wart, or more than one, you may find these previous posts interesting:

I decided it was time to update because I am hopeful to a) bury the warts topic, and b) be healed of these thingys for good.

Quick review says that I have tried removing them with Oregano Essential Oils, Apple Cider Vinegar, and, most recently, Rexall Wart Remover- which is an acid. After ALL 3, the warts had returned, rendering me uncertain of what to do next. Have them frozen off? Arrgh!!!

Because I had the Rexall handy, i.e. it is still sitting in my medicine cabinet, I decided to give it another go after some -not all!- of the warts returned. The truths of this are that a) I actually enjoyed seeing the acid work and peeling the warts off. Gross, I know, but satisfying in the same way popping a zit it. Again, gross. I KNOW. b) I wondered if this course required another round, hopefully getting to the roots this time around.

So I took to the acid one last time and decided the following morning that I was, well, over it. Instead of chasing after the warts with new acid every night like I did the first round, I simply stopped applying it after that first night during round two. The great thing about this was that the acid still did it's thing and after a few days -but with no additional acid- I was able to peel the skin off (it began to peel on its own) and where the warts were are now little dips.

Excited. Grossed-out. I am not certain how I am supposed to feel.
On the plus-side, when I visited the dermatologist last year, I pointed out all my warts and he assured me that some of them were not warts at all. *yay!*
Also, I never had the big, hanging warts, rather, mine have been concealed against my skin. I suppose if one needed to have warts, this is the kindest option.

I hope this is it. Enough with the warts, I say. If something interesting happens -I get them frozen off or they turn to gold or something- I will probably write some more. Otherwise, consider this me closing the door on warts. Gut seid Dank.  

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