Saturday, February 29, 2020

February Meatloaf

My mother-in-love makes really good meatloaf. It is the type which makes me wince just a little since now becoming a vegetarian. I don't often miss meat, but when I do, it's Terry's meatloaf or Trish's Halupkis.
It has been a running joke in my husband's family that he is the "Raymond" in Everybody Loves Raymond- arguably one of the top 10 sitcoms- ever! When my Big Strong Man and I were married, I, by proxy, became Debra- who in later episodes becomes a babe,!
But throughout our marriage, the most-telling, most note-worthy and spot-on aspect of our similarities (of which there are many), was that neither Debra nor I can cook. Nor enjoy cooking. Nor have any passion for it. None. Whatsoever.
On the contrary, my m-i-l never loved cooking, but she somehow FOUND a way to love it- enough. Enough to make delicious meals for her family. Enough to prioritize it after a long day at work. Enough to heed to the beckoning of, "go make me breakfast". And she did, for 50+ years, as the primary chef of the house.
Terry is my Marie.

Should you have seen Everybody Loves Raymond, you would understand this to be a thorn-in-my-side kind of love, but that is not the case. I actually, genuinely, love Terry. I am so thankful for her.
Still, when she first heard that I had become a vegetarian, she asked/demanded me point blank:
You still make meat for my son, right? Your husband? And also, for the boys? 

It was A-OK for her that I had become a vegetarian -I have been an "interesting" daughter-in-law, but it was be a cold day in hell before I imposed my meatless diet upon the men.

"Yes", I reassured her, "I still prepare the meat for them."

Surprisingly, this is not a post about meatloaf. I am not interested in sharing my mother-in-love's family recipe (She's mine and I won't share!). Rather, this is a post about mantles.
Mantles, as in, the decorative piece above our fireplace where my "meatloaf legacy" will more likely derive from.
My meatloaf legacy will look more like art, however, and taste less like divinity.

It is my fireplace settings: those monthly/seasonaly/holidiay-ly pieces my sons will grow to recognize and -perhaps someday- take a piece with them. Both figuratively and literally.

The memories of a mother who always tried to make our home cheery, and fun, and celebratory!
Memories of the art they made which I clung to the hanging clipboards in display. Memories of the Christmas ornaments, every year a new one, updating them on the size of their hands and of their increasing ability to make art.
I want to have something beautiful to share with my family. And, also, with you.

I have tried before, and not done well, to form a series around a topic and post updates. I have done a "Get Your Life In Order" and "Mini Life Reset" series. A series on my "Whole 30" adventures. I have done devotionals, "The Better Mom" and "100 Days to Brave". Occasionally I do posts dedicated solely to a book I have read/am reading/want to read. Likewise, the occasional book review.

One of the vloggers I enjoy watching is Tracey Hensel and she is SO GOOD at doing her weekly and monthly due-diligence. She has a Monthly Motivation, Wine Wednesday, and her Monthly Empties videos. (I have linked her most recent of each.) And, you know what? I think she is ROCKING the VLOGMOSPHERE!! #goTraceygo

So I am motivated.
My monthly Mantle.
Perhaps a "What I am Reading", blog series.
A Body Transformation series as I begin to work out once again- this time adding in Crossfit! And also Intermittent Fasting.

I can feel this urge inside of me to note that these can absolutely be "mommy" related. Sometimes -and certainly during some seasons- the very best thing we can do for our families is to take care of ourselves in new ways. Joining a "Box", reading while the kiddos play around you, and finding great pleasure in decorating a home.

I welcome you to join me...and I welcome you to my home.


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